

W tym odcinku opowiadamy o filmie "Jednym głosem" oraz reportażu "Powiedziała" Jody Kantor i Meghan Twohey, który rekonstruuje przebieg dziennikarskiego śledztwa o obleśnej świni - Harvey'u Weinstein'ie. Jakie następstwa #metoo obserwowaliśmy w ostatnich latach? Co jeszcze mamy do zrobienia i czego powinniśmy się uczyć od Tarany Burke i bell hooks?

Polecamy: "Powiedziała. Śledztwo, które zdemaskowało Harveya Weinsteina i zapoczątkowało ruch #metoo", Jody Kantor, Meghan Twohey

"From Aggressive Overtures to Sexual Assault: Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers Tell Their Stories" Ronan Farrow: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/from-aggressive-overtures-to-sexual-assault-harvey-weinsteins-accusers-tell-their-stories?fbclid=IwAR2SRV0Na0B8dbvTRRKw5x0isgh_lQXKfw1n9w1nTmAXwbDI9jBvpxscM98

"Złap i ukręć łeb. Szpiedzy, kłamstwa i zmowa milczenia wokół gwałcicieli" Ronan Farrow

Person of the Year 2017 by Time Maghazine: The Silence Breakres: https://time.com/time-person-of-the-year-2017-silence-breakers/

Wywiad z Jodi Kantor i Meghan Twohey po filmie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RulA4ec4HxM

Jak #metoo zmienia świat? https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ATYK2svJ6eM&fbclid=IwAR15ZSh2RKF9lsi3mjIzi6gp9wY_Yhbt3c7wwGslEiYOgPigCxhxa7vrVv0

Tarana Burke: Me Too is a movement, not a moment | TED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=zP3LaAYzA30Q&fbclid=IwAR1IKQwgWb8Df1V_WSohKxJLqtyrLyNYmA7BdWaKgR_t4FKz51oAJl0gUuc


Kasia Chrobak i Agnieszka Szczepanek spotykają się co dwa tygodnie. Są feministkami, jak każdy rozsądny człowiek. Gadają o tym wszystkim, też o tym co dla nich znaczy być feministką, bo cały czas sobie to definiują.

Trzy odcinki podcastu opowiadające o historii feminizmu są lekturą i wstępem do kursu „Płeć, seksualność, polityka /Gender, sexuality, politics/” na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim.

Portal Vogule Poland określił podcast jako jeden z ich „najukochańszych polskich podcastów. Uwielbiam mądrość autorek, która pięknie łączy się z ich brakiem potrzeby bycia kapłankami oświadczającymi nam, jak ma wyglądać rzeczywistość. Świetny miks charakterów i tematów. Każdy odcinek jest doskonały.” – vogulepoland.net

Estrada Poznańska to instytucja kultury działająca od prawie 70 lat. Organizujemy m.in. kwalifikujący do Oscara® Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmów Animowanych ANIMATOR. Opiekujemy się Kinem Muza oraz działamy w sieci tworząc 9 autorskich serii podcastów, słuchowiska, produkując piosenki i teledyski oraz książki dla całych rodzin.

Dołącz do nas: https://www.estrada.poznan.pl http://facebook.com/EstradaPoznanska/ https://www.instagram.com/estradapoznanska/

Pokaż transkrypcję

00:00:00: Music.

00:00:16: Hello hello David averaging table Rodriguez who Hachi drop the so hot uh my a Cadet.

00:00:25: Think about Stephanie Martin.

00:00:29: That cannot eat is a consummate Martin them accent them but don't feel funny about sabotage a movie is not a comic in motion along that he bashed a film she's she said

00:00:41: Tak awesome factors be era of yada Autumn react towards me too,

00:00:49: The Exorcist hours of a 1-1 do you have any idea

00:00:53: the demo is the mask of an aha Rebecca Weinstein active console Shadow a disco beard

00:01:05: Justice Scalia doctoral

00:01:08: put I cannot eat more sniper something that that's patania puts out the movies to see their words but actions such as nice to see them nasty at the Fukushima daiichi

00:01:25: so much as I should but there's no with a go mental on us that has natural me do an apprenticeship scheme had Bathsheba or beige 1010 film,

00:01:33: push that's the koshka punished enough coin so Kizashi popular scope not quite done with the principles nice kick off dark

00:01:39: animal attacks.

00:01:50: Coronal of each 90 kilos - yes I am.

00:01:56: Kako on them out of the washing machine your trip ended up in the upper overtaking me screw Tommy Papa Rasta nice possible.

00:02:05: It's a receptionist t-shirts.

00:02:16: Now copy am transgender movie any other channel in betcha.

00:02:22: She'll throw you off your daughter away so you still virgins when I'm dr. Benjamin move each a letter to the first Camp akazawa Virginia karski robot not Ramona polygon,

00:02:34: it'll be with a collaborative doing is a circuit interrupter coming together over and then was February of talking about their symbolic name Garcia

00:02:50: uh-huh I thought and digging both a key part of our steel industry.

00:02:55: The National Historic film oh chunky Corrections top of a Dynamo has volume select the area of the Osprey as foreground a protector of the corner,

00:03:06: yeah I'm a day mr. shibata remove each other me too that's a gorgeous.

00:03:15: Tourist best want Pina the dodging extras menu of Busca Vietnam Temple Cultura Nana shehata.

00:03:24: But imagine a feminist Bend and I'm done as a budget.

00:03:30: Today see Villages of era but Sydney sternest and Cambodian Nagurski robot solid Navy Conan a extreme of yours.

00:03:40: It's difficult strongest Axia of internet search.

00:03:44: Which modern her Upton a born actress bird's name in America,

00:03:51: Twitter Twitter to the bouquet this voice you look at this TV static energy and the partnership can communicate

00:04:09: if culture Americans came a valid votes in Tirana and messed up

00:04:14: he debated probably tonight winds Associated a if they do Co not

00:04:21: it's in this transition across the country Megan too weak to remember 777 semester.

00:04:28: Ball forced a woman feel my only shot

00:04:32: out of the waters in this situation occurs kick to the nuts when our perkele another Richard Sherman 610 version of brown Jacques politics.

00:04:43: During extreme of a copy and hot Hotel gastronomic start up a small film after film.

00:04:51: A kind of voltage indicator the 30th effective necklace any attack wax thermal water promotes.

00:04:59: Junghwa yakked flower was very Bourgeois Vista negotiations table we have needs of this gross

00:05:05: could be a term sheet Franco Mrs Morgan of invisible survivors School of salaam Namaste salaam Namaste keveza Sauvignon Solana got a Solana tell you it.

00:05:20: Survivor the kid toys swishing is that's divided up sure so initial Faribault.

00:05:27: Roberta Dale Stone trauma misrepresent Ranch only movies rubber show I might know some of them are China in.

00:05:37: He's mean he's not just a movie shot emotional maps to be acoustic a notch,

00:05:46: yet the neck SWAT alone their Survivor ma G the impact zone is this practice Johnny of this given him to go so Vince with a mission

00:05:57: noise process hearing stay of yard or the Virginia also booked to Rapture table

00:06:04: create with the issues which is the interruption of a motor transport a pussy.

00:06:08: Because it feels on their sums stronger as well as their appearance.

00:06:14: I'll just kind of make a sticky goes for llego mix like the movie my doctor Bashir banana.

00:06:21: It's a priest this area is probably just some Easter Seals and Astronaut some sexual now.

00:06:28: Not the least populous to creative mode spotted Shadow Brothers album for contact sexual knife attack darling.

00:06:39: I don't meet Opus value.

00:06:41: Console girls potent the Baton am very good Gnostic copy it usually Haji for Guerrilla Oscar Regional Transit about torture.

00:06:49: Janelle passed even greater Savannah party's over but after Michelle extra power washer on the bottom storyboards Manana vastness whoa.

00:07:00: Isabella's on there is the script I need to recover the body is washed I really home video tutorial

00:07:08: our system of a promotes an apostrophe go out after Josh options be a lot has to do a lot of

00:07:16: ABS tight in case there's a difficulty or problem American scale vocal a legislator and a nice tight

00:07:26: after the statute of spawning an Avenger.

00:07:30: Publisher preview of national discourse upon your leisure of the legler Jody can totally imagine to we a provider of Niche for the transit - Tina.

00:07:39: I'll probably have a nice voice as for your report Ash yes I'm afraid artificial one documents are documenting nectarine is the stamp Nana HBO.

00:07:48: As well puke related to up it is a legal document on the Strip of stone that can be podcaster and a follow-up questions on the go.

00:07:55: Washing your they spray via we have an annual Tristan's create categories Tina it's a chair cover on top of your dashboard.

00:08:04: Nick Nick Toth ago at the coral if I got a bottle important cover Chicago goodlow and be secrets of our know you don't akagi water ducted a reductive trashcan so this is the one that we have near 21st and grown up.

00:08:17: Pause about me that I love that so cute over there.

00:08:20: That's what I tried most extreme is language of the country immigrant week the ls of your hard work OS Tina's in Passau clothes order

00:08:28: poked myself know she was a prostitute of scratch emotional and that is context conductor has been you make to reach a biologist and reaction it.

00:08:38: No your honor,

00:08:46: but yesterday it Nautica caucus prabha Jacques Kobe tagawa Harvey Weinstein Ikeda on the Frozen deportation of molester van.

00:08:58: He's with hot chocolate oh my God cab drivers new movie on Elektra swap of Tarzan adjustability for the coffee Le genetic signature is my emotions,

00:09:06: Tiana is that would make the - stamped on a ground on a granny.

00:09:16: Ben said yes on my granny granny.

00:09:26: Tak of a Waller become return them via the effect is he on Donna's retrieval system post a Van Impe renovation.

00:09:33: We'll take this movie Miracle at all jacked up with is a Shang opinions Aguada,

00:09:40: Nas.

00:09:54: What does it'll beat Vince no past Brava the Copan ashamed of the fact of now Babar to Barcelona

00:10:01: Tak the quad narrator voice near as this to go Mommy Jody immigrants fiction set in just a few minutes autumns you can get a camera Gorham Jenny car scheme provides you with two slits for Napier from shower

00:10:16: those digital do the treacherous Moscow beta me promise,

00:10:21: stockholders video funniest women covet Ami Bottom bar do got 50 option connect with sway history of it see our new neighbor visual.

00:10:32: Didn't your car comes for your previous things our final is a sahaja yogi.

00:10:38: They didn't think our kids to go school starts Let Her Go poor shoot underwater but we have not documented a permanent problem

00:10:47: this too is a part of China

00:10:55: zombies eat the sun do that could be taped piece of our spread of nogami Weinstein a goddess

00:11:03: list of Allah or Criminal Court opinions of Niche bardugo lists the cause of that Shahid over there.

00:11:13: The plastic that I knew amidst the newcomers randomly Madea me

00:11:19: it seemed to me orbits near option Royston abandoned.

00:11:26: Tish a member of the rents of so it's a history Nia it already pregnancy tests reveal Lena nothing milch a new Corvette opinions at the touches.

00:11:36: Definitely pedestrian street tabbouleh anak Shimizu film over.

00:11:43: You can touch the pinions and your brother and Alana's facet of what is today the temperature,

00:11:52: it wanna share yeah come on somebody's all but if you mix your car keys

00:12:00: beware should kind of animal is a stationary the Watershed Zona.

00:12:13: Absolutely Weinstein act a little shorter so many apples do service provision is tacky me.

00:12:21: Boulevard OSHA me bags American skinny jean a varnish to mr. Moser,

00:12:26: certainly I'm sure dr. Antonia velocity Suave ah bonjour my debts exactly

00:12:33: very American very American naughty ontogeny overdosed in format or kiss him on the spot.

00:12:48: Tasha amiibo hunt that come to take her story had another stroke or a portal rubato the consignee bovie Adama.

00:12:56: Not eat better what I'm talking as visco if I mean am film electronic version of Labor Day Harvey going Snapchat Gwyneth Paltrow been jet fashioned ago.

00:13:06: To the on top of his famous movie I'm sure to check out the neighbor Diego.

00:13:15: Nas visco actor.

00:13:17: It's not enough to have a fitter back not like I don't be ashamed of the film after on a gravel not on a bike UNAM take the trustee feel move at all.

00:13:26: Yeah but that just gives us X for going into the toilet not now two steps forward the start Nikki go feel.

00:13:36: Yeah called whether the system tournament event played Varsity no of diameter top spot.

00:13:46: Now we'll be up I'm stuck on credibility now crossed over the big toe stuck in this game should be attentive out

00:13:54: so keep on him put clean section skittish has the Kiros out sacred feminine Pavia is

00:14:01: Kanye to get covered in an option we have newer as for a perversity it a great part row

00:14:11: first of two are setting ourselves up Asana that ye gave a private sector invest in stocks but can assume that a movie night of options that are going stenographer on Truckin evelin.

00:14:28: In the computer Bartow is a career at a cognac.

00:14:34: On the choice of the Kirsten I just attached.

00:14:39: Fuck no egg with toys to sleep on this year's the British Open.

00:14:44: Yucca and as visca start with the Harvey Weinstein I'm just Villa on the table possessing Miramax attack.

00:14:54: David for nikt ra Bergstrom methodology.

00:14:59: Pelant is filming and witness start Compras to hit of Austin in Austin Austin la la la Genoa.

00:15:07: Non-threatening L nominated the Oscar of traditional the film actors evening Ryan see the internet is

00:15:14: for material systems but I am it puts more volume than cold hardy Go - Tina is it not a kind of article far away

00:15:23: Jacques turkey of the Barrel in a great artist you scared / talk gen Cavalli my first event of his Burgoyne a transgenic of and aoyama bottom Weinstein Avi apart from the Peterborough go.

00:15:38: Tak law Meryl Streep nozawa

00:15:41: how do they are moist in a game against its trigger buttons on it that's all we go potency of the original process of shot

00:15:48: if you have sugar and oxygen machine bottom of the adoption of Podium Jody IMA ganked or without Shadows,

00:15:58: I thought to consist of a niqab a little tiny Chip Stamps nanny.

00:16:03: Firewall just in a lot if she stopped immediately no uniqueness a unique tip of your tongue.

00:16:09: Not easy just a knavish are yeah yeah.

00:16:18: It also said they strongly believe in astrology.

00:16:22: Jim Kolbe assumption deviation is really on the top of a dialog system specs X1 is Jack with change the granita.

00:16:30: Blood - in addition to the fiftyish Nina patent gravitational.

00:16:34: Nas the starch has Britney Spears

00:16:41: yeah on my way I wish murder case free Brittany a lot of Abdullah document can beat a girl

00:16:48: triple mean I answered yeah but yeah so she Star Wars and a Britney Spears noise depositor shiitake and in this puzzle not Italian commedia pop

00:16:56: still matters of that we need to take the approach Paparazzi to the process to know study shaking second Forum on a Mac so personal.

00:17:05: Not theirs but an actor the postage Anika residency Koreatown know if you want iPod Venus standard Anaconda actor car Hollywood's golden shop of your dark lava old patina of the ground or Planet matter Mañana chatter makka pakka

00:17:20: open God I am on Snapchat quarterly the conversion and film a nickel got on the interest where that is possible in the ship's got over valid or only Tasha I'm gonna work that little car.

00:17:29: But then it has to be my uncle ganache Amiga jst Quebec is just super gun down to attend any fabric store director of an abstract method for sexual is Avenue.

00:17:39: Back you told me she DVD David milch Ivanovich.

00:17:44: They're just becomes unlivable as consensual relationship if cash the sexual contact smells and little girl has gotten popular store.

00:17:53: No yes to table no Bardot the scooter vanity desk set up your website Nami Target other supposed to do we need pot roast,

00:18:02: Sean

00:18:03: closure on this neighborhood about a gorgeous yeah gonna pull it off it is on the record of its top of his film history of media Tony Avengers hoodie was pure shock strongest economy is stronger when we service via internet.

00:18:20: Me too much it's pretty ribbon on his feet on there

00:18:32: I thought saltonstall optimistic about the movie on there underneath on mr. cotton historian Transylvania University.

00:18:42: This kind of shared everything just came.

00:18:48: Mr. Nash activity really has a strong opinion that.

00:18:52: If I'm going to try a positive note about the transistor is stationed at alternative group that just mines and the X Direction.

00:18:59: If it doesn't we'll have some cattle class in the orchestra now it sounds like a some pictures,

00:19:09: most touching with Taiwan Tommy watch the film on your mom will usually empty plots of Egyptian mystery film of a nebbish.

00:19:15: I love chocolate cake the permissions varnishes Miramax motto candy in the in a film at the film of him

00:19:24: get the fugitives official permission to order short Harvey Weinstein animal products that I go hmm not all the addresses a McCowan about Takashi University and a historian,

00:19:36: his name will be on Sultan Mirza on the frost graduating could be a thumb drive usually to call Victoria Donato if career on has Asha as a Stannis cancel Ivana now he is

00:19:46: for the ship Tony photocopied re-incarceration arrows vena cava Pina Bausch

00:19:54: not only me

00:20:01: does Ashley Judd yes Tacoma Washington post' action activists.

00:20:11: Push one the studia a question of authority in the military it wasn't giving it a team activity Toronto

00:20:20: look history of sceeto covid son the brother

00:20:27: it's novel variants a permutation you Einstein to touch a lot of toys super textured 1550 Majestic number of the toniest film on impact ricotta Salata,

00:20:40: no Milton Observer with action approval care

00:20:48: EXO / mr. Autumn engineer Contest no a finger one tank some internal.

00:20:57: Tim 20 nanometer will push a Stigmata by Pratt Curtis woven with her version of Olivia objectiveness is a reporter

00:21:11: terrible video if it's 10 years

00:21:14: onion post a non-trivial Frisco Bay Street Journal reporter Ruben you do pussies Diego we have Nia on an approved a newswoman is an oval shape key provide oh geez

00:21:28: I thought the dirtiest thing about the American skin jetzt with any karski s corporate some sugar beet a voice Nia

00:21:37: my own Tacomas not there.

00:21:45: Mirror combination of low vision is.

00:21:51: The the Kim the clutches of the evil of sports journalist overheating.

00:22:06: As well as on the first invented beta.

00:22:13: Him of his National committeeman vilasa Australia's is Nana is nominated actor,

00:22:19: that's my acoustic drum there's not enough time.

00:22:30: Spread of scientific fact part of the problem of the sky named David of Tash Napa party pays for it as it was Camtasia to God knows she ought also to realize that that's due on Shabbat.

00:22:41: It's got the comics 15 Army spray version on the record represents the vanishing of the village of this voice I need to convert CO2 detector social systems push out the small victories in snow.

00:22:54: Barton was only practice.

00:22:58: Yes with countries that give me opinion Asia and Europe supervisors and female student yeah

00:23:09: yeah the whole another for breast milk money towards the good in it

00:23:14: I love the mission scenario

00:23:25: vagina.

00:23:26: A diameter card a history.

00:23:37: Yes David Corbett motivation the water stars and actors with my head sort of kids with the commission is all about the journey car key and copy it,

00:23:49: the power washer top of it it's four-year her story than if the motor and water.

00:23:54: Oops podcast.

00:24:02: Now I like stocked and ready to tie a ribbon on Tony that's devotion a time of the wilderness.

00:24:16: Now for teachers on the absolute singing in MPH after Steve starts talking Big Anthony Accardi Weinstein.

00:24:23: God knows Ben Jaya Prada version and I think he has a contact in shit shit shit contact of trauma opinions on.

00:24:32: But reform is Managed IT.

00:24:33: If - Harvey been terribly to music,

00:24:47: did you call Vic pinion.

00:24:53: Not even what's not named hadiya conquered because Mana image Nigeria and Mosher on the ability of Stephanie me don't really have a lot of time yet

00:25:01: he's brought in it.

00:25:11: Expected to return of the Senate

00:25:17: No Tag was just a number.

00:25:22: Shouldn't I provided it has this advice to our history actor scrutinize victim-blaming technically tozier.

00:25:33: We have never touch the post office.

00:25:36: - Savannah opportunity grenades give out to promote services and neglected to tell his story.

00:25:48: Least another trade school to detect has - Emporia Elena

00:25:53: existence is eveness Takara Axiom or Gustavo iron axes good you about them as we were told opinions I was courage ago Roberto is not great news for strategy

00:26:07: a new Corvette

00:26:12: Ishtar has really severe shortage of stadiums temperature probe in a Soviet regime of the history

00:26:26: - me too mr. president results are a network provided attack is the second case that has a district or established a commission autumn.

00:26:38: Just that hysteria is that a googler as a viewer wrote a key support,

00:26:48: Victor has any hope of your daughter Autumn de in the corporate sector Privado is Weinstein them nuptial quotation of novels that Rodney on that could be at the ostrogoth object in Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

00:26:59: good night Sam don't push hard with Rodney B war heroes debreceni nectar has nice music Paradise top.

00:27:11: No good cup of coffee.

00:27:25: Back again say goodbye Tasha problem that could be at peace portal.

00:27:31: That will shift function of out of all of the holidays at the White Sea is made of a vocal Acoustics give it a shot.

00:27:37: Sporadic traumatic transition,

00:27:44: the same levels of them is that just of your jelly Nick ottinger movie liability should go back to that video I love you.

00:27:53: Adam I shoulda gone as podcast no oh crap my exporters need two of them ever pregnant cooked or raw version is

00:28:02: feminist ke Express discover Suave Fresh near the hospital has a case of the transaction was sexually I like number of the terrible motor nerves all over fisticuffs with no prob mute problem

00:28:16: class emblem thanks to Rev Run's real provide you having Chris prophetic is possible to be too hot.

00:28:21: The table go to eat a little bit of a change that fella a live version of frostbite video out of this,

00:28:29: the toe up reservation device tonight.

00:28:40: Finster no option today on senya shall I answer.

00:28:45: Ha ha ha Let Her Go me to vocalize it about initiative.

00:28:56: A cannibal and a chronology sled stack balls that Torres are moving yeah.

00:29:03: On that door attack in the past xx1 of a bad copy at instapage history politics Now Sports night,

00:29:13: I'll president or a Donald Trump and he popped a single company of Sorrows.

00:29:20: Obviously the fact nothing

00:29:23: targeted audiences just necessarily to invest into it they move away Stones problem there's a number after the stroke Shauna she's loaded trampa

00:29:32: no it's a nice multi a shirt and a tactical puff Styles top fabric of and there's a point out our attachment situation and Granny has traction second ago who has various energy transfer movie Honest conversation recipes carne

00:29:50: to put up with Vince nonprofit social services evidence near to tie on

00:29:58: but this tree is Growing Pains to kurukshetra pushed on its own expert Nisha Wisniewski certain victory in Tech figure out of a bottle.

00:30:06: Nie little provocative about Sevilla covid-19.

00:30:10: Enough is enough tired of the wash it I'm gonna file a protest of stenography Jaja name has got another step towards the trend of glitter is my best attempt

00:30:22: told that will put value in the time or place to Television artist or extra potential a crunchy wha,

00:30:27: tell me are you still grant us one last time with the program Nest cam decisions and has traversed at cfox vaginas.

00:30:41: Soap doesn't like that trap

00:30:43: the Tampa and moving metal or anxious not positive yet a history so start with Ashley Carrington Brazil film of a dense area love with rookie 3D film of it just got on settlement

00:30:56: Tak those film he said yeah I'll try got it on aw

00:31:00: the type of Love Dolly goodnight object list far

00:31:11: no it's after school after Vista Del what about myself as of trust in me every daily and nicknames that I'm going to share all out

00:31:18: uh-huh that you do just because vegetation seriousness Soroka a total shock to the system tomato,

00:31:30: the on Apple products of need some stassi Fox is spooked at a vast a little Jeremy.

00:31:36: And not even see a show that's fun lovable another Bros bros animation in the target from the is enough Fox and Brian that Affair has Riley.

00:31:46: Titus Titus corrosion on original attempts to find a particular shade of push to our East Africa most objecto

00:31:53: Tak presenter to visit is known as program of the put on the top of the morning show to scholarly or yesterday in the presentation and shit,

00:32:05: the morning show nice Tony Kim special name as terrible Scandal if a television and a very te Boot and Matt Lauer Richter and improve the product new boobs or 10

00:32:20: collections the morning show thanks to take a vitamin maker a number of Television advertisements

00:32:29: this lab at 60 degree angle Theta in English.

00:32:36: For them the shovel to tell em it's a bit distant no no Rouge nuptials.

00:32:43: A villa press vehicle and there is a new sheriff.

00:32:47: Cleaning is it the Waters of Faribault Bourgeois tag program is cooperative has been brokered a peace away

00:32:57: for the nib another Disney freedom and I bought them both versions to see them last time voice yeah,

00:33:03: how about of Iraq Babu brother

00:33:08: contrary to ear of nervousness last for 40 extraterrestrials this is my center of pasture Nico live in seventeen seventy percent the Arctic Ocean Castle it was nice the muscovites options Hollywood,

00:33:20: opposed nay Esther durable case is senjem nomination doesn't overshadow Braddock Avenue it attaches apis on a short video I just was up over them and even teachers I'm a.

00:33:35: Story eye slits for Wayne stina a pretentious Voice new apis and Christine blase for doctoral we have newest film history especially lot or Tamia.

00:33:45: It's cover now we're seeing them in Havana to suddenly have a sugar and iPad we are Midnight in Paris the British favorite Amitabh Water Authority coverage to terrible traffic trampa.

00:33:56: Then you take a novel fucker chose we need

00:34:01: fixed Annie just come over now is risky ghosh's apparently take some wax and covered or it's a strategy for collage and the chromium,

00:34:11: you touched a service member was 60-40 potentiate the snapshots on them neighbor shimmy up of his boy transmitter Wanna Live.

00:34:20: Two Turbo Tax and conversion is transmitted.

00:34:29: That was a dish that compressive strength provision Lafayette sake through next week protection services near you're too stupid or something you know.

00:34:38: He's part of a machinist at the bottom.

00:34:42: Tak alert over to visit to a museum country to be automobile a understand why you spoke as a news article G telephone of thought in Quebec to revise Nia

00:34:55: ocean alone until domestic or charity shop has its own history and so because she was a leader no stick-up

00:35:05: lifting feed me of a day he said there's is the cousin it does not transfer standard your own movie on autumns radd.

00:35:12: Triscuit on the derivative skip over this situation they're in tourism Scott over whom I am the reporter kg Jaguar,

00:35:24: a standby status that's how I see you #metoo.

00:35:29: Tak trust me Lana Allah nice table 1984 novel tekmoto tight Shabbat credits evil come to achieve our other Dutch Spanaway activity

00:35:43: actor mr. on a burger,

00:35:45: oh yes I thought another work was about why you're so thin as the me to laponia shot vo vo lat check the volcano Valhalla tagore scandalous wasting them if a bullet will go

00:35:58: provide you want

00:35:59: come Joanna's activist judge number one export Gnostic movement are Japanese Kobe transfer orbit experience here in flavortown take been a novel.

00:36:09: The rich are the spotting scope of Cheesecake promotes a visit to Asia has wheels on the bottom sexual of the Alabama

00:36:19: mr. Salim viens de Juwan lost vocal attack.

00:36:25: Stitch not was divided some of each other as Malibu Devon artists poets nasty turn it copied that Australia should Padilla on the transfer of your army this is brought near in sauna novel pushing yeah,

00:36:39: I do enough to stop washer.

00:36:41: Should wash another style either send you on a destroyer Jonah as a scar do think Shane game the start of an election Amina grade amethyst Regina.

00:36:50: Vance do a dolly dinky tomoya Scala is a single column of movie and your choice but to dispose of trash movie towards the give me a Scooby Tommy.

00:37:01: Let us not to be an abstract most obvious is awesome.

00:37:11: Some Steiner magnification of I just put the car away unless for a daughter your mother about a certain store movie where Artemisia.

00:37:19: The broad support staff feels ownership of nasty little bit ugly the finial but so does not trip secretary ever glad for you Granny it's usually called the option of Snapper 61 lingerie the star David the Masjid Porsche.

00:37:31: Dip a suggestion contrast images and I mean nickname video of the music as well go.

00:37:48: Josh you have to be turbinado the finial that Euros mother taught him Toto Islam has okay as long as you're okay.

00:37:55: Let me enter traditions of a good book chocolate consent Jesus goddamn Israel Good Shabbos prevage a better boss ex he's a bit of a social element.

00:38:07: Just like the one I got doesn't God that if Aguilar bitter as a God damn it had been applied research Grant citizenship to measure before cooler

00:38:15: that granite's an Asha response Nevada before gravity chagum estimates

00:38:22: stucco sniffs Emma it's okay respect to energy.

00:38:27: The question is super restaurant

00:38:33: the movie with a a ducat see treated some of your shred toy store.

00:38:45: Yes Miss Anna promotable board

00:38:48: the ship is going to Advance version are asking you to Cocoa Beach.

00:38:56: Up to for them to twist out on a tower that recognizes version has a proposition a junior of Nevada is relative

00:39:15: like the rest comes up to me or telling me to me of your amateur boxers ions which is touched in the egg butter masala with me.

00:39:24: He's on watching movies with them as Specter and causing them to mostly 50s Livingston Darren

00:39:29: Ramesh more cleavage upper vagina of them much more deep voice your face just ago in Paso restitution content of chips dajjal is a fabulous Mirage bitch zhenya Bangladesh.

00:39:40: Stole it fair and event each other but not for a very good nurse

00:39:43: Tak question is option letter Guru hobo and Patty is only darkness that movie

00:39:58: electricity cuts off camera mr. boomy to insert a small commission has provided,

00:40:07: there are Network movie DVD

00:40:11: Beauty category name is may need to put on your resume to go to host a vast new operator gonna solidarnosc GM party

00:40:22: vest need them to promote a stable object excessive

00:40:27: ESV Jhene Aiko shiver City of Commerce

00:40:33: if you would like to suggest that's dmsa at knock yeah bro needs to

00:40:38: maybe perhaps is a stereo chorus tiny to Korean like market share to make to my hometown of Grand Prix was opinions.

00:40:49: Tak not activists are above it is the frosty chocolate Osama of patriarchal system.

00:41:00: Because we are supposed to eat all natural Meats budova may not even do more ghe benefit TNT.

00:41:07: I'll just do some of the visitor that's a foul she will benefit the injector of stalinism iego benefits and Tommy technibond anabolic Bell hooks in a cassava

00:41:16: mr. Disney felony some turkey me via the Java suppression no eat.

00:41:30: Pictures of the tiny things that the wisest awake pictures are geotagged wall.

00:41:35: Is the total immersion Majestic hemisphere damage a prostitute.

00:41:46: Tak

00:41:51: get them up to such an amaz about - stop moving ultimately my autumns RTM 80 remove emotion emotional needs Natasha Peterson.

00:42:05: Should I go backwards on a pole at some electronic material take me to base camp

00:42:14: even though much is a whole bunch of.

00:42:21: Masters me some of your data out of your a loving nature of native just goes regulator kobato.

00:42:29: Not eat mill version has gotten yet as I take care be provided.

00:42:38: Accent of evacuated via kiss puzzle penguin it has almost Alana G it has a jealous nastya autonomy.

00:42:45: You said go to college is pretty great emotion.

00:42:54: Hippopotamus.

00:42:58: Hey Mom just took up an idea of just one usually never succeeds David fashion show treats potato.

00:43:05: I was initially measurement be posted to do is avoid back I was doing Tony is very the kids company Covenant is a Sunday or meet our diet

00:43:20: Tak.

00:43:21: I like this one a lot of languages Vietnamese theriot nuts.

00:43:30: Paris.

00:43:37: It's a protective mesh to Geneva randomized optimization not Sami autumns of a cooler on emotions.

00:43:45: Jumbo shrimp 4th Baron from too much clutter means apart a major budget event where - Amina of party a taco emotion.

00:43:53: But in a dramatic social systems without any kids but I am Shannon.

00:44:02: Not yet not squabbles Tristan apartment on this collapse

00:44:05: material opposite they want me to do and it is now what.

00:44:17: You might understand nia nia nia.

00:44:23: That girl show some more list of a nice warm neutral 61 years actual physical on O.J.'s provides a vehicle also be professional and business services covid of them do.

00:44:36: The court case but Nitschke the object of sexual angle VN sauna there's a proper Nevada key experiments you don't understand.

00:44:46: You'll never grow watching is that promotes an Oculus VR provider.

00:44:53: They are semester if judge or Justice.

00:44:57: Some nervousness possibly molester van a sexual yeah to track data sheet Granite everything is possible.

00:45:06: To do I take a shower but on you will surely over his about really yet that could be tomorrow she'll portraits attack strength is mutiny

00:45:15: put recognized empathy.

00:45:23: Think of it.

00:45:32: Empathy traditional teaching emotional

00:45:35: Gator to be straight through Notch is resumed vegetables are also Han GI Tak now he's running a Mothership of our tuna basic human rights remember about this is the Vanya also being used arenas for he grinds that emaza.

00:45:48: Packing metal detector koco.com usually top is a potent Korea vocal a technology emoji

00:46:05: drove me to the river sea urchins emotional Journey towards Katrina never seen a piece of Real Estate

00:46:13: that's Tim show romantic be admitted.

00:46:23: No

00:46:24: Xena this turn the torch really - for Jake to remove your first name it oh and now W it's a delay in which I understand you not all men

00:46:34: reacting #metoo

00:46:37: Estrada is the smallest for a superstar overnight me talk to removal system of X-Man.

00:46:50: It took that little terrain you have instituted a robot.

00:46:56: Fuck knowledge but the knowledge of the optic dram chips amiable multiple videos protection.

00:47:05: You should be waspish drugs and back Rush of a kazoo yeah crush it and system and I'm set above all in a bowl and then just nyada.

00:47:20: But it was if both of the quad for Pina Bausch know mr. Harvey Weinstein.

00:47:29: Demonstrative to a devil Cartier embossed karni hogi whoa what do you want more.

00:47:35: No trying to stash their object leave F just keep conditioned to think of Alibaba Yemen has got Iranians care of Judy Vogler.

00:47:46: Maybe it was my imagination without encouraged that god-awful noise,

00:47:51: let's change the inputs no it's not - why isn't she.

00:48:03: Conventional inconvenience mr. Burgess

00:48:08: to put a doctor has me on a me to understand it properly.

00:48:14: Mabuse kovitch nearest airport surprise her father was born in the circle path avian flu G.

00:48:21: Risk eviction very Cooperative West in search of Professor Abdullah means Assad.

00:48:26: Is purview racism in the car drove originally voiced near barred override as a restaurant over snifters poverty is 10 backlash and neglect our transport of nanashi a vagina,

00:48:39: but that her life has changed my mind that the temperature Virginia.

00:48:45: I should knock on yet but by the Hope Scholarship real excited me too,

00:48:55: Ascension take off schedule yet but on the air cooling at the bottom.

00:49:03: You started a production scheme for another asean Meto as many to attend the movie typical sauvage.

00:49:11: Ultra digital her story a little frisky,

00:49:16: I gotta shit yeah uh-huh mr. Wagner something of a digital delay a data analyst,

00:49:23: it'll call trash-talking Weinstein after cover glass our system 3 Pro do Cuervo history yellow egg beaten as some reproductive Anna

00:49:32: now there's all this shit in any sex tablet,

00:49:39: nickname of movement capitalist movement system and a nickname.

00:49:48: Nie in Malaysia.

00:49:51: Don't battle commence combat oxygen Administration the Prussian Meadow the advantage Rodeo of the potent kunoichi.

00:50:00: Festival Vania hopes of Egyptian lettuce vocal are not peer support Robin it was a populist otto nove options for storage Depot plus to Nehemiah in a drug events

00:50:11: Amador National Tinker Bell hooks adoption - Enos Mana but I just can't that's fun says that's something that's an isolated many things.

00:50:24: Tak not the ladder,

00:50:26: nothing material types Arabic Massa.

00:50:40: I'll go down the hole.

00:50:44: That's solidarnosc tips for not a kibbutz of art events the diameter j.j. Redick Torres promote a key position last year.

00:50:52: Set potter.com shows Trends come mawashi impacting not only to turn it up.

00:51:03: Estrada poznańska Estrada poznańska.

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